W W Greener 44697


A 12-bore ejector gun with 30" steel barrels and 2 1/2" chambers. This gun was made in 1897 and has a Facile Princeps action with self-acting ejectors invented in 1881. These ejectors were a developement of the world's first ejector system for sporting shotguns by Joseph Needham in 1874. Barrels are choked Improved and 1/4 commensurate with it being a light game gun for bird shooting. It has fine rose and scroll engraving, typical of that period. It is housed in an original Greener case.

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Maker: W. W. Greener

Stock Number: 44697

Gauge: 12


Grip: Straight Hand

Length to heel: 14 3/4"


Ejectors: Ejector


Type: Steel

Length: 30"

Chambers: 2 1/2"

Choke: right: Improved left: 1/4